
Quatela, Anne-Sophie. Polyploid species, the Achilles’ heel ​ of molecular taxonomy?​ ​​ A study case of (sub)arctic Silene sect. Physolychnis. Given at the Plant ID Seminar Series Molecular identification of plants for science and society, Series 2:  Modern tools and old methods: Descriptive taxonomy and phylogeny (hosted by NHM, UiO, Oslo, Norway). 25 March 2021. 

Michel, T. 2021. The Victorian parlour plant and the survival of the unfit. Given at the Plant ID Seminar Series Molecular identification of plants for science and society, Series 1:  Biodiversity time travels: The use of historical plant genomes in biodiversity research (hosted by NHM, UiO, Oslo, Norway). 25 February 2021